· Current Mob Picture: Currently, 7,306 Reservists are under mobilization orders. 4,816 Reservists are boots on the ground; 331 are in their training pipeline; 2,159 are awaiting start of orders (pre-NOSC report) or in pre-training processing. RC mobilization requirements are 5,433. FYTD “orders in hand” notification has increased to 145.1 days.
Looking back on CY 2010
· Mobilizations and Requirements: At the beginning of the year, we were rapidly drawing down in Iraq while increasing our support in Afghanistan. We started CY2010 with 5,728 Reserve Sailors mobilized to 5,373 requirements, and finished the year with 5,607 mobilized to 5,433 requirements. We averaged 6,107 Reserve Sailors on mobilization throughout the year with a peak of 6,831 on 26 August 2010.
· Notification: We’ve come a long way in improving the amount of advanced notification our Reserve Sailors receive before mobilization. In December 2010, our Reserve Sailors were receiving their orders (on average) 120 days before mobilization. We ended the year with orders being received (on average) 147 days before mobilization. To put this in perspective, in December 2008, our Reserve Sailors were receiving their orders (on average) only 55 days before mobilization.
· Mobilization Readiness and Screening: Early TRICARE eligibility. About mid-way through the year, medical and dental coverage up to 180 days prior to mobilization was implemented for Reserve Sailors and their families. This was an important pre-mobilization benefit that gives the Navy Reserve the opportunity to screen their mobilizing Reserve Sailors early and get them ready for mobilization. This benefit, along with increased mobilization notification should help significantly reduce our mobilization fallouts caused by medical or dental issues.
NOSC and Unit commanding officers should be using the early TRICARE eligibility, increased notification time, and FY11 Execution Guidance authorizing use of AT to complete mobilization screening, within 30 days of their Reserve Sailors receiving mobilization orders. This will allow follow-up time to correct any issues that are found well before the mobilization date.
· Ready Mobilization Pool (RMP): After beta testing the RMP concept with officer requirements in 2009, we released RMP2010 for both officer and enlisted Reserve Sailors. RMP2011 went further and included the NECC units expected to mobilize over the next two years. The RMP allows commanders to focus limited resources and raise the readiness levels of those on the list in preparation for an expected mobilization. It also allows RC Sailors not on the list to be fairly confident that they will not mobilize in the next 12-18 months. Feedback from the Force has been very positive and we will continue to use the RMP as a pre-notification tool while the RC is tasked to support OCO mobilizations.
where we’re going with navy reserve mobilizations
· Mobilizations and Requirements: There is a lot of uncertainty with what the Navy Reserve’s OCO tasking will be in the future. For FY11, we’re still expecting to maintain support for over 5,000 requirements, which means we’ll be maintaining between 5,000 and 6,000 Navy Reserve Sailors mobilized for the remainder of the year.
In FY12, we are starting to see some missions that the Navy Reserve has led be switched to AC. These missions include the Law and Order Detachment, Kuwait and Navy MP Company, Afghanistan. We’re also seeing significant decreases in our assigned requirements supporting embedded training teams and provincial reconstruction teams. These changes alone cut RC reoccurring tasking by over 300 requirements. We expect further reductions will occur as leadership determines what our overall footprints will be in Iraq and Afghanistan through the end of this year and into next. The MOB Cell predicts at the close of CY11, we’ll be supporting approximately 4,000 to 4,500 RC requirements; however, some COAs still have us supporting over 5,000 requirements through FY12, and into FY13.
· Mobilization Initiatives: In this section we’ll describe several initiatives recently implemented or that we’re working on to improve the mobilization process and visibility of mobilization requirements.
o Monthly Mobilization Opportunity Advertisements: The MOB Cell has been advertising as many mobilization opportunities through the GovDelivery distro system as our validation timelines allow. To further improve our mobilization advertisement process, we will be sending a monthly consolidated mobilization opportunity advertisement out through Gov Delivery. This advertisement will contain all mobilization opportunities available to our Sailors to volunteer for. First consolidated advertisement was transmitted 13 January. To sign up for GovDelivery go to the following link and follow the registration directions:
Individual mobilization opportunities will continue to be sent out as CNRFC receives mobilization tasking.
o Mobilization Instructions: Rewrite of OPNAVINST 3060.7, the Navy Manpower Augmentation Guide, is in routing and will be released in the next few months. The rewrite incorporates changes and lessons learned to the augmentation/mobilization process over the last couple of years. Along with the OPNAV instruction, CNRF will issue a Mobilization Procedure Instruction to formalize processes we should be following to effectively execute mobilizations. This instruction should be out late January/early February.
o Mobilization Mission Descriptions: To provide more information on mission and location our Reserve Sailors will be supporting, a consolidated list of missions, by Noble Eagle number, was put together for use by NOSCs when conducting notifications. NOSCs are expected to provide at a minimum the NE# supporting, mobilization date and mission location to their Reserve Sailor when conducting the initial mobilization notification. The NE# Mobilization Mission Description Table can be found at:
o Single Source Deployability/Readiness Display: We are developing a deployability/readiness module in Navy Reserve Readiness Module (NRRM) that will allow Unit and NOSC leadership, OSOs, and AC commands to see the overall administrative and medical readiness of their Reserve units. It will also allow leadership to drill down to individual Reserve Sailor’s records to see everything from security investigation status, PFA history, command information, MAS/IMS code status, contact information, and individual medical readiness all in one page. This display will make it much easier, and give leadership a single display to view their unit’s and Sailor’s deployability. Expected rollout of this display is 31 March.
o Web-based Volunteer Portal: The Mobilization Volunteer PORTAL will allow our Reservist to "volunteer to mobilize" by filling out an online form. The form will be accessed through the Navy Reserve website. The form will allow the Reserve Sailors to provide up to 3 preferred mobilization locations and 3 preferred missions. After the volunteer form is submitted, an automated email will be sent thanking the Sailor for volunteering and informing them that their form has been received. When a mobilization is assigned, an automated email with the NE number, mobilization date, location of mobilization, and short mobilization job description (as OPSEC rules allow) will be sent to them letting them know they were identified for mobilization. Expected roll out is summer 2011. This will replace the current volunteer email process found at:
o Mobilization Cancellations/Fallouts: We’ve been looking very closely at the reasons our Reserve Sailors are disqualified or fallout from mobilization. Our mobilization cancellation tracker came on line 1 April 2010, and we’ve been able to gather good data on reasons for cancellations. We’ve been working with Force Medical to capture the medical reasons and are developing guidance on ways to reduce our fallouts. Initial analysis of the data, shows that we should be able to reduce our cancellations by almost 20% by just meeting our current readiness reporting requirements. To see how an individual NOSC is fairing with cancellations, view file “By NOSC December 2010 Cancellation Report“ found at:
o Best practices:
§ NOSC Mobilization Processing Tracker: Based on feedback from the field, we asked for input on best practices for how to track Reserve Sailors identified for mobilization. The trackers we received are posted on our website at:
If any NOSC has a best practice that could be beneficial for other NOSCs, send to the MOB Cell and we’ll distribute to the field and post in our “best practices” folder.
§ Security Investigation Practices/Reports: Last year, we sent out a JPAS Report Generation Guide developed by NOSC Eleanor. This guide shows NOSC security managers how to run a report in JPAS to show the current status of their command’s security investigation status. This guide can be found in our “best practices” folder at:
We’ve also been working with the RCCs on developing a better way of tracking security investigation completion rates. The RCC security managers have some good ideas that are being developed into a user’s guide, which will be distributed once completed. Our goal is to get our security investigation programs to above 90% compliance by the end of this year.
Important weblinks:
COMNAVRESFORCOM “Volunteer to Mobilize” Process (CAC Required)
Download Mobilization Orders from BUPERS Online
USFF IA Website:
NMPS links (once at link scroll down for specific NMPS sites)
Expeditionary Screening Checklist - NAVADMIN 1300/22
Expeditionary Medical and Dental Screening for Individual Augmentee (IA) and Support Assignments to Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) – NAVMED 1300/4
Ready Mobilization Pool Status Reports
Security Investigation Stats and Useful Information
Mobilization Cancellation and Fallout Reports
Mobilization Mission Descriptions and Locations
Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Information
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