By Wm. Cullen James, Navy Personnel Command Public Affairs
MILLINGTON, Tenn. – Based on inputs from commanders and commanding officers (CO), the Navy has changed its Military Personnel Manual regarding enlisted performance, conduct, Detachment for Cause (DFC) and separations.
Announced in NAVADMIN 210/10, the changes impact MILPERSMAN Articles 1910-156, 1616-010 and 1616-040.
“These changes announced in NAVADMIN 210/10 are there to ensure the Navy’s best and brightest Sailors are able to continue to advance while giving commanding officers the tools needed to counsel, guide and, if need be, separate those who do not meet the Navy’s expected performance standards,” said Rich Mason, Navy Personnel Command (NPC) deputy assistant commander for Career Progression.
The changes in Article 1910-156 give commanders and COs the ability to separate Sailors for unsatisfactory performance and those who cannot carry out their assigned duties. Reasons provided include: an overall 2.49 cumulative Performance Mark Average for two consecutive evaluations; promotion recommendation of less than “Promotable” with no improvement in two cycles; performance-related loss of Navy Enlisted Classification code for non-medical reasons; Sailors who don’t complete formal training required via Perform to Serve; and Sailors who cannot carry or handle weapons in the performance of their duties because of legal issues.
Article 1616-010 deals with DFC of enlisted personnel and changes here align those procedures with those for officers. The previous version allowed for the first flag officer in the chain of command to approve a DFC for enlisted personnel, but this amended version changes the approval authority to the commander of NPC.
“The enlisted DFC process now mirrors the officer process in every way,” said Capt. Leo Falardeau, NPC assistant commander for Career Progression. “We did this to ensure that enlisted personnel are receiving appropriate, documented counseling and have the opportunity for their case to be reviewed by a higher authority.”
Changes to Article 1616-040 aligns the enlisted misconduct reporting process of civilian and military disciplinary incidents involving First Class Petty Officers or Chief Petty Officers (E-6/7/8/9) with the officer misconduct reporting process. It makes mandatory the reporting of civilian and military disciplinary incidents and incidents that might receive widespread public interest for E-6 through E-9 to CNPC. According to Mason, such incidents include, but are not limited to, the assault of a civilian, sexual abuse, and murder.
According to the NAVADMIN, these changes require proactive mentoring, counseling and documentation.
For more information, read the NAVADMIN on the NPC website at and click on “Messages” or visit the Enlisted Career Progression site.
Sorry this isn't directly related to the post, but I'm a CCC who is in a bind with nowhere else to turn. I was wondering if you knew the process for submitted SRB pre-certs via CIMS? I've been waiting for days for my OPINS account to be approved, but I was told that while I'm waiting I could still submit them via CIMS on NSIPS. Unfortunately, I'm not sure where on CIMS I can submit one. The closes thing I could find is under Use - Career Decisions - Then selected "Reenlist" for the member. All that gives me is an SRB calculator and that's it. What am I missing?